🎍About Us

👑To Post & Sell Products in Website Shop✨

Product Manager

Do you wanna Sell Products in our page.Contact Us

🎟To Advertise & Market On the Website Page📊

Advert/Marketing Strategist

Do you wanna Advertise in our page. Contact Us

🎨Your Business to appear In the Website🖼

Business Manager

Do you want your Business to appear 0n our page. Contact Us

👨🏾‍⚖️You & your Content Featuring In Our Website👨🏾‍🌾

Content Manager

Do you wanna appear or Your content to be featured in our page. Contact Us



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Karatina Town.

Our hours

9:00 AM – 20:00 PM
Monday – Saturday

Contact us

Phone: 0720938928

Email : info@karatinastore.co.ke

